VIP retro cinema seats

For the most cheesy hall in the history of the Noir Film Festival so far – the gothic castle kitchen in Český Šternberk – we decided to buy 50 old cinema seats from the local Sokol, which we are having refurbished so that they will be ready for the 9th edition in their full noir glory!
Thirty-four of them are offered for rent (always for two editions of the festival) to die-hard film noir fans. All (black) seats will be numbered, marked with the white logo of the festival and the name and surname of the renter, or the name of his/her favourite actress/actor/other important film noir personality (including several Czech and Slovak ones), which he/she can choose from the list (see the list here). The owner of a „generous festival pass“ or festival donor may rent a maximum of two seats.
If the renter has a purchased or passport-issued ticket to the Castle Kitchen, he/she will have priority right to occupy his/her seat. The price of renting one seat for two years is 2,000 CZK. The rental fee can be paid within 7 days after the e-mail confirmation of the seat order (on the festival side) to the festival account.
Your reservation with the selected seat number and name will be accepted at info/at/
For a list of currently available seat numbers and notable personalities (if you don’t want your name) to choose from, click here. For the option with a celebrity name, please prefer to reserve two names.